Mint, the popular personal finance service that aggregates data from all your online banking and investment accounts, just announced the launch of its Android app. The application offers roughly the same features as the company’s popular iPhone app, but it also features a number of Android-specific features, including integrated search, a widget and support for Android notifications. The new app is compatible with phones running versions 1.5, 1.6 and 2.0 of the Android OS.
Just like Mint’s iPhone app, the Android app allows users to check their current account balances in real-time, check up on recent transactions and manage their monthly budgets.
All of this highly personal data is password-protected and if the phone is lost or stolen, users can easily disable access remotely from the service’s website.
Given the Android platform’s recent surge in popularity, adding an Android app to Mint’s lineup of mobile apps was probably a no-brainer for Intuit, which acquired Mint in September 2009. According to Intuit, Mint currently has about 3 million users and given the service’s demographics, many of these are likely smartphone users.