In July, Phil Butler called the Deki Wiki enterprise wiki software from MindTouch “the most extendable Wiki tool available today.” He wrote that the company was “transforming the Wiki, from the WebÄôs best collaborative authoring tool into an open source service platform with a Wiki heart.”

While it seems that Google will imminently be joining the wiki market, Deki Wiki has been busy beefing up their already mature offering.
The crown jewel of the Deki Wiki platform is their web-services extension model, which lets people create application mashups in their wiki. “For example, users can compose applications from Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft in a wiki page with content they author or aggregate from databases, other applications, or from across the Web,” wrote co-founder Aaron Fulkerson in a blog post yesterday.

Since we wrote about the Deki Wiki product in July, MindTouch has added dozens of new extensions amounting to over 100 new features, according to the company. These include support for Google Maps, Blogs, News, and Video, Flickr images, Microsoft Live Virtual Earth, and Live Contacts, a tie-in with ThinkFree for viewing Microsoft Office files, Yahoo! finance data and others.
MindTouch is also announcing today the release of two desktop products, the Deki Wiki Desktop and Microsoft Outlook Connectors. The Desktop Connector lets users browse and search for files on their computers and add them to their wiki project via drag and drop. The Outlook Connector makes it easier for users to publish email messages, attachments, and contact information to a wiki page.
Deki Wiki is free and open source. You can head on over to the OpenGarden Sandbox page to give it a whirl.