Read/WriteWeb network blog Last100, has an interesting piece out this morning about Microsoft’s launch of the latest game in its popular Halo series. Last100 writes that Halo 3 has two features that push the game into new territory beyond video gaming and break new ground.

One of those features is a sophisticated demo recording system that saves gameplay movies with game data, allowing them to be shared and remixed, in essence allowing the creation of gameplay mashups. The second feature is a file sharing service launched by Bungie — the game studio responsible for the Halo series — allowing users to share screenshots, game films, and custom game objects with other gamers.
“Interestingly, Saved Films are not video files but instead contain the actual game data. This enables users to replay the game at any resolution, and to change things like camera angles. Saved Films might seem like a minor feature at first, but I think itÄôs really important for two reasons. Number one, it allows players to create clips and screenshots that can be shared with other players, effectively enabling mashups and remixes of Halo 3. Number two, itÄôs the first step toward allowing players to script their own storylines and movies. ThereÄôs talk that a traditional, blockbuster-style Halo movie is in the works, but I think fan-created Halo 3 movies would be so much better.”
Last100 also posits that Halo 3 may help promote and spread other Microsoft products, including Silverlight, Microsoft’s rich media platform that competes with Flash and Java.
Be sure to check out the full scoop on Halo 3 from Last 100.