Home Microsoft says Samsung owes $6.9 million in unpaid interest

Microsoft says Samsung owes $6.9 million in unpaid interest

A New York federal court revealed that the Microsoft Corporation is demanding a small sum of $6.9 million USD interest from Samsung Electronics, with regards to a dispute over smartphone patent royalties.
The money is interest that Microsoft says that Samsung should pay on more than $1 billion in royalty payments which it delayed in protest at Microsoft’s planned purchase of rival Nokia’s handset business, which it says breached its licensing agreement with Microsoft.
These royalty fees are due to the Android OS using some of Microsoft’s patented technology,which results in most hardware makers, including Samsung, have agreed to pay patent royalties on Android handsets.
Being entrenched in this type of litigation and payments is another reason that Samsung needs another mobile operating system, like Tizen as an option besides Android to push onto Smartphones. Tizen enables Samsung to benefit from a larger share of the handset price, and also to push its own services and application store, which all brings in a chunk more change once it is successful.

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