Las Zetas kill another “blogger.” A body was hung from the same overpass where two bloggers were murdered last month. According to the Houston Chronicle, a sign hung with his body said, in Spanish, “This happened to me for not understanding that I shouldn’t report on the social networks.”

Representatives of the Nuevo Laredo En Vivo forum denied the person was one of their moderators. One of the previous victims was a moderator there.
Sri Lanka targets dissident websites. On Saturday the Sri Lankan government warned websites to register with the authorities as an apparent response to the United States’ expression of concern over Colombo’s blocking of a popular Internet-based dissident publication.
Popular Egyptian blogger’s appeal denied, two 15-day detentions. After denying Alaa Abdel Fattah his freedom, and his demand to be tried in civilian court, the Egyptian military decreed two back-to-back detentions of 15 days each. He remains incarcerated on charges of inciting violence of the military. His mother has started a hunger strike to protest his detainment.
Brazil’s “cybercrime” bill will inhibit free expression. This bill, currently in the country’s House of Representatives, could make it possible for the courts to “apply criminal penalties to activities like file sharing, peer-to-peer communications, and the fair use of copyrighted works.”
Anonymous uses DDoS against El Salvador. The Salvadoran government took its Justice Department website offline in response to an attack by the hacker collective Anonymous
DARPA requests hacker help. The government research agency has issued a call for American hackers to help shore up its cyber-security defenses.
FBI shuts down botnet. With “Operation Ghost Click,” the FBI has shut down Esthost, the largest botnet in existence, operating out of Estonia.
Facebook to settle with FTC.The social network is nearing an agreement with the Federal Trade Commission over its misleading shift in privacy settings.
Israeli Knesset bills threaten free speech. The bills defund and otherwise limit the operations of non-governmental organizations in the country, including those that are critical of the government.
Use of Twitter by elite frees foreign reporter in Kyrgizstan. American photographer Nic Tanner was released from detention in Kyrgizstan through a combination of friends, friends of friends and Twitter.
“This is not a story of Twitter’s ability to galvanize grassroots protests and marshal ordinary citizens to defend just causes. Kyrgyzstan is a place where high-tech social networks meet old-fashioned patronage networks. All those who got in touch were people we knew personally, and people with some clout. “
U.S. government seizes Twitter info without warrant. Adding to its previous warrantless seizure of Google information on Anonymous volunteer Jacob Appelbaum and others, its latest action did the same to Twitter information.
Salman Rushdie vs. Facebook. Facebook buckled in the face of a high-profile campaign by the Anglo-Indian writer to be allowed to use the name by which he is commonly known on his own Facebook account.
Delhi policy seek preemptive online taps. India, a standout in the crowd of democracies not terribly fond of hearing their own people speak, have come slightly closer to making certain they don’t have to. They have proposed setting up a spy agency to eavesdrop on people’s Internet and mobile traffic. You know. In case they commit a crime. That should shut ’em up.
U.S. House Judiciary Committee reviews SOPA. The legislation, the Stop Online Piracy Act, is often called the Stop Online Privacy Act by its detractors. A Hollywood-pushed bill, it will make it possible to block whole websites for accidentally hosting copyrighted material. In short, it gives an excess of power to government and law enforcement, which would result in rampant over-reaction and wind up limiting how Americans use the Internet – quite apart from copyright issues. It would also defy precedent and make everyone from ISPs to forum moderators responsible for copyright infringement.
Occupy Wall Street news shared via Storify. Early on in Monday night’s raids to shut down the Occupy camp in New York, mainstream media outlets began reporting that the police were barring their reporters from entering the park. Social media, Storify in particular, picked up where the professional media left off.
The use of social media by Syrian protesters. Syria’s is among the most violent of the Arab Spring uprisings, the government intractable and the political culture controlled. Syrians are using social media to skirt the suppression of the free flow of information, including mobile.
Overpass photo by Elliot Brown, Colombo photo by Bri