The first official ReadWriteWeb meetup in Portland, Oregon was so successful we decided to take it world-wide! Next Tuesday, November 15th, ReadWriteWeb is having a Worldwide Meetup.
There’s a great write-up on Elana Zak’s 10,000 Words blog about the event. Basically, we want to get tech enthusiasts out and about and meeting one another.
We also want to meet as many of our readers as possible. This is where St. Louis comes in.
ReadWriteWeb is home to two RWW staffers: Myself and David Strom. Nearby, we also have Scott Fulton and Alicia Eler, both of whom are scheduled to join us on the 15th to meet, talk and have a few drinks with RWW readers.
The event starts at 6:30, and we’ll be meeting at the Drunken Fish in the Central West End. Have a question or comment about the meetup? Want to talk about topics for discussion ahead of time? Shoot us a note in the comments, or use the #ReadWriteMeetup on Twitter.
Planning on attending? Please spread the word on Facebook, Google+, Twitter and to your local user groups, co-workers, friends and anybody else who might enjoy talking about the future of tech and the Web.