What suggestions do you have for implementing Big Data sorts of projects using virtualization? We want to know, and you want to tell us – because if you have the best answer, you might just be the proud winner of a MacBook Air!
It’s as simple as that, really. The best answer to the question, wins a MacBook Air. Note that you need to post here, but all you need is a Disqus account to participate. You might also want to read the rules before entering, but they’re short and sweet.
We know that quite a few ReadWriteCloud readers are tackling big data projects, so we want to know what you’ve learned. Share your best tips about using virtualization with big data, and we’ll be all ears.
Don’t wait too long, though. This is the first of two contest in September, so you need to comment by the 15th to get a shot at winning. We’ll announce the winner shortly after September 15th, and we’ll be announcing the winner of the final August contest shortly. As always, we’re looking forward to your responses!