Home Live from DEMOfall: Presto – photos for people who are not online

Live from DEMOfall: Presto – photos for people who are not online

Blogged Live from DEMOfall by Alex

Presto has launched a photo service which is focused on helping get photos to people who are not online. This might not be a spicy web 2.0 ajax application, but it solves a big problem and does it very well. Here is how it works. Say your grand mother is not web savvy. For $149.99 you purchase an HP Printing Mailbox and then signup for the Presto service, which is $9.99 per month. You install the device in your grandma’s house and then login onto Presto.com.

You then create an email address, like [email protected]. To ensure that no spam can get in, you add a list of emails that are allowed to send emails to your grandma. That’s all. Now anyone with their email address on the list can simply send pictures to e.g. [email protected]. The photos are extracted and automatically sent to the Presto device at your grandma’s house. If you are busy, then you are done. If you have some more time, you can customize each photo by selecting from numerous templates that add flare and spice to each picture.

This is an example of technology going through several iterations and ending up with really simple and elegant solution.

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