Home Live from DEMOfall: Lirix innovates in music advertising

Live from DEMOfall: Lirix innovates in music advertising

Blogged Live from DEMOfall by Alex

now, online music advertising has been a somewhat unsolved – sometimes
controversial – problem. Today Lirix
unveiled at DEMO an intelligent and elegant solution to the problem, called AdLirix.
It is a smart, context-sensitive advertising solution that will allow musicians
to make money off their music in a fair way.

The ads are inserted between tracks, never interrupting the user experience.
But more importantly, the ads are contextual – because they are based on the
lyrics of the songs!
The advertisers bid to place ads in an auction fashion,
but they are not charged unless their ad is played. The system also rewards
artists, because even if their music is pirated – they will be paid because ads
play. All and all it seems like a well thought through and elegant solution.

Here is what DEMO staff said about Lirix:

“Protected by a recent patent, Lirix’s dynamic ad-insertion platform
delivers targeted, dynamic advertising in streaming music and enables
interesting new business models for over-the-air digital music services. The
Lirix platform offers particular benefits to MVNOs, which can now supplement
branded phone service with a potentially richer ad-supported music service
offering as well.‚Ä?

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