We’ve been keeping an eye on super-simple feed reader Lazyfeed for about six months now. Cofounder and CEO Ethan Gahng wrote us today to let us know about some exciting changes users will see tomorrow morning when the startup launches Lazyfeed Squared, the second version of the product.

“In our previous version,” he said, “users had to click on updated topics to see what’s inside. That is not lazy. And it wasn’t fun enough. With the new version, it’s not just the topics that update – each topic has its own live updates which show the latest headlines along with images.”
In days of yore, users would type in a tag or single-word search term, and LazyFeed would return videos, photos and blog posts tagged with that term. Users were then prompted to add that term as a topic, which essentially meant the search was saved. The UI looked like a typical feed reader:

In September, the site announced support for both RSSCloud and PubSubHubBub protocols, making the product even quicker, in some cases as fast as an IM client.
Lazyfeed Squared retains the real-time capabilities of the previous version, but it’s a more passive experience, like watching television.
“It delivers updates (updated content) of updates(updated topics),” said Gahng. “You don’t even need to flick a finger to see what’s up with your topics. You can just add stuff and watch live content flow in.”
Lazyfeed has also eliminated the need to sign up to use the service. “This will make it much easier to recommend Lazyfeed to your friends,” said Gahng. “We think this will greatly make Lazyfeed more approachable for first-time users.”