Videos from conferences, seminars, and talks have become a standard way to ensure that even those who can’t attend an event are able to at least get access to the presentations after the fact. However, video recordings from conferences are often somewhat sub-par and even the best videographers can have a hard time capturing both the speakers and their slides. Klewel, a Swiss startup, has developed an innovative system to replay videos and slides which we hope other services will soon implement as well.
Klewel’s Flash-based player displays a video recording of the talk right next to the slides. The bottom of the player shows the upcoming slides, and you can navigate through the presentations by simply clicking on a slide and the video will jump right to that point in the presentation. Another neat feature of the player is that you can easily switch between watching a full-screen version of the video and the slides.
Sadly, Klewel has not made its software available to the public yet. For now, the company specializes in providing its own services, and Klewel’s team creates the presentations for its clients. Among those clients are Nestlé, UNICEF, and a number of high-profile academic conferences.
Of course, even the best videos won’t make up for bad PowerPoint slides, but Klewel has come up with a solution that makes watching conference videos a lot easier and which allows viewers and videographers to focus on the speaker (or the slides) without having to constantly switch back and forth.
Klewel is one of the most recent and interesting examples of innovative ways to record and replay talks, but surely there must be others out there that we are not aware of. If you know of another system – maybe one that is even available to the public – feel free to let us know in the comments.
View more presentations from maelguillemot. (tags: webcastrichmedia)