Home Kiwi is Microsoft Number 3

Kiwi is Microsoft Number 3

I thought I’d post this before Phil
gets to it 😉 A New Zealander, Chris Liddell, has just been appointed to the
job of Chief Financial Officer at Microsoft
, making him the third most powerful
person there (behind Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer). Mr Liddell commented:

“Obviously it’s a great privilege for me personally but I’d rather stress
that this is a great thing for a New Zealander,” he said.

“We’re doing great things on the world stage at the moment and I’m just
really happy to feel like I fit into that pattern.”

This is big news in New Zealand and rightly so. While not quite up there with Peter
Jackson’s achievements with Lord of the Rings, it does show that us kiwis can excel on a
global platform. Andy Lark, who I had
the pleasure of talking to a couple of weeks ago, is another kiwi who made it to the top
rung of an Internet company (Sun Microsystems).

Is this Web 2.0? In the sense that I’m a kiwi and using the Web as a platform for
making my own little play on the world stage – yes 😉

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