is the world’s first person-to-person lending web site that helps empower entrepreneurs in the developing world by connecting them with others who lend them small amounts of money called “micro-payments.” Founded in 2005, the site now connects lenders in 70+ countries with business owners in 43 developing countries and works with 89 microfinance partners. Now Kiva is tapping into the power of Facebook to attract new members to their cause.

Using the new pilot program from a company called Involver, Kiva has launched a video campaign on Facebook to draw users to their site to lend directly to these developing nations. The video even features a button that appears at the end of the video encouraging you to “lend” money.
The Involver marketing platform allows Kiva to build, launch, promote, manage, and track video campaigns which help them convert the video’s viewers into customers. Video built with Involver can offer plug-ins like quizzes, surveys, and email capture to help engage the viewer and well as tools for sharing and viral distribution.
The other commercial partner using Involver at this time is Serena Software, provider of enterprise software solutions. They are using Facebook as a business-to-business platform and will be using their Involver-built video campaign to generate leads for their business.