A software update for Kindle and Kindle DX is on deck, according to Amazon.
Kindle Version 2.5 will provide pan and zoom for PDFs, allow you to assemble your books into collections and to use larger, sharper fonts. Interestingly, you will be able to post selections from your reading to Facebook and to Twitter directly from your Kindle.
“We are rolling out the new software update to a limited group of Kindle users and plan a broad release in late May 2010,” said Amazon.
Given that Amazon sells six Kindle books for every 10 paper books, an innovation in the most popular e-reader effects an increasingly-significant number of books and readers. Physical books rarely change all at once as an e-reader does. Interesting to see how development changes in ever-changing hardware change the reading experience, if they do.
Read more on the Kindle at ReadWriteWeb.
Photo by Austin Evan