Metaio Augmented Reality Solutions is about to announce the release of the company’s Junaio iPhone application and ReadWriteWeb has an exclusive pre-release review. While other products like Wikitude, Robotvision and Layar allow users to view notes and text above a location-based layer, no other service offers us a chance to add 3D objects and animation. While the demo may seem frivolous for now, the possibilities for branded scavenger hunts, real-world easter eggs and Foursquare-like location-based games are limitless.
Similar to Wikitude, Junaio offers location-based information on historical sites and points of interest. However, some of the unique features of this service include the ability to edit AR layers, add 3D animations and share edited scenes via social networks like Facebook and Twitter. These social features have us thinking about the current popularity of location-based social games.
While Foursquare and Gowalla offer users a chance to share their location-based experiences and compete for prizes, these products are placed above simple 2D maps. The potential for a similar product above an augmented reality layer is finally possibly with Junaio. While the video merely demonstrates the ability to edit text and images, there remains a huge opportunity for game-related exploration. Imagine setting animated booby traps during a scavenger hunt, or finding your friends’ graffiti while waiting in line at the DMV or even being the first of 50 people on-site to receive a rare song download. While Junaio and editable AR-layers are still in their infancy, the potential for game-related interpretations are a natural next step. Junaio is currently pending approval in the App Store, for updates on the release follow the company’s Twitter account @twitt_AR.