While the US waits agonizingly for their 3G iPhones to arrive, some of us have been playing with our new toys 🙂 There’s been a lot of excitement over the App Store today, and on first inspection there are some outstanding iPhone apps available. Right now the top 5 apps are: Sega’s Super Monkey Ball, MLB.com At Bat, Enigmo, OmniFocus, and Cro-Mag Rally. No I’ve never heard of them either. I guess we will soon enough. See below for the RWW editor’s first pics of his new unwrapped white 16GB iPhone…

Note: You can view an optimized version of ReadWriteWeb (as the above screenshot shows) on your iphone at: http://m.readwriteweb.com.
Update: Here’s a shot of the old and new phone side by side, care of my friend Mark.