In addition to confusion over charging that we covered yesterday, a number of other issues have come to light to mar the iPad’s debut.

The most common, according to Apple’s iPad support forums, are weak and intermittent Wi-Fi signals and overheating.
The heat issue might make the beach bums ReadWriteWeb mentioned earlier as early adopters default to other devices – or make the long move to Peter’s Sink, Utah.
An additional issue is the apparent inability of the iPad to handle IMAP push email from Yahoo and others.
Some of these and other problems may be the normal shaking out process of a hardware launch. Some may be genuine design issues. But some, like the “not charging” messages people were getting yesterday, may turn out to be a result of a multitude of expectations. Some expect it to behave like a phone, others like a laptop computer- and in some ways it does neither. It could be some time before expectations, and limitations, are established.
These issues, again, are rooted in the responsibility of manufacturers in setting those expectations. Were these limitations noted prior to launch? If so, were they not communicated out of a fear of limiting sales?
ReadWriteWeb has been evaluating the iPad extensively. How has your iPad experience been?