Home Bsquare: Internet of Things enterprise rollout requires assist

Bsquare: Internet of Things enterprise rollout requires assist

Installing a lightbulb that connects to your blinds and TV might be confusing, but it’s a walk in the park compared to the task at hand for enterprises looking to deploy an Internet of Things (IoT) system.

As businesses look to connect their entire fleet, engineering firms like Bsquare attempt to make the transition easier and the costs lower for companies, by deploying a software stack to advise, monitor, and report all data to the business.

See Also: Has the Internet of Things gone too far? 

Bsquare’s software stack DataV offers a range of services to relieve some of the IoT worries, like modules for connecting devices, analyzing data, and scanning for defects in the system. According to chief executive Jerry Chase, this will allow customers to “get results more quickly” on whether the IoT deployment has been successful, and optimize the system.


IoT deployment requires broad collaboration

Speaking to IDG’s Stephen Lawson, Chase said the customer is able to deploy DataV to the entire infrastructure or just parts of it, and the software stacks works fine third-party services. The ability to choose parts of DataV worries Chase, saying in the interview that some customers are not taking full advantage of the software stack, and are missing out on crucial services that could save time and money.

Bsquare has a decent portfolio of partners using DataV, including Intel, Microsoft, and Aaeon.

It is not just small firms working on enterprise IoT services. IBM, General Electric, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise have been building entire systems to help with the deployment and snapping up startups. However, the scale of enterprise IoT deployment requires broad collaboration between services providers, which is why we see Bsquare and other firms accepting third-party services on their software stack.

The benefits of moving to a fully connected system might be difficult for some firms to realise, but with Gartner and IDC projecting over 25 billion smart devices in four years, it is clear the industry at large is moving towards a more connected future.

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