Focus has pulled together an infographic on the most disruptive companies in tech. It should come as little surprise that many of the innovations are cloud-powered, or cloud-dependent.
Consider the iPad, for instance. Apple’s the clear leader in the tablet market, and eating away at the traditional computing market. Apple owns more than 68% of the tablet market, and is replacing laptops, e-readers and handheld games.
What’s that got to do with cloud? Plenty. The iPad depends on cloud services to power its most popular native apps, not to mention all the Webapps that users hit up on the iPad.
Focus also highlights Netflix. Despite its recent PR and marketing blunders, Netflix has grown to a $9.1 billion market cap – in no small part due to its streaming service. They should pay attention to subscribers woes, though. According to Focus, they’ve lost 1.6 million subscribers since June.
Finally, there’s music service Pandora. The company claims 100 million registered users, and a valuation of $1.3 billion. Radio, on the other hand, has pretty much peaked. I’m betting the ReadWriteCloud readership can think of plenty more tech disruption where that came from.