Popular mobile app Instapaper isn’t just a great way to catch up on reading when you’re spending time offline. It’s also a little bit of magic that blends the quiet of time disconnected with the buzz of the social web. It looks like that may become all the more true with the addition of a blogging tool to the Instapaper app, if a public conversation about the matter can be taken literally.

Instapaper stores stripped-down copies of articles you select from the web, but offline on your device so you can read without connectivity. With the latest version of the app launched a few months ago, you can designate an article for sharing out on Twitter or Facebook once you get back online later. Today WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg asked Instapaper founder Marco Arment to enable posting to a WordPress blog from inside Instapaper. “I’ll make it happen,” was Arment’s response. Cool!
With a big update to its iOS app today, WordPress helped expand the opportunities its users have to blog – but why stop there? Inside Instapaper would be a very logical place to enable people to write. The long-form, high-quality content the app is best suited for naturally gets the mind spinning and in many cases could provoke a thoughtful response. Why not make it easy and graceful to pen that response inline? It would be terrific to see some really interesting user experience integration of the two technologies, for maximum effectiveness in the composition of commentary.
WordPress’s Mullenweg says that his team is working on API changes that will make this sort of integration even easier. That makes me wonder where else we’ll see WordPress integration in the future. Blogging may not seem as hip as it used to in these days of Facebook and Twitter but (and I’m totally blogging this, right now) it’s still got a unique power and place in the social web. It always will – and that unique phenomenon that is blogging will likely continue to find new places to manifest itself throughout the larger technology universe. Instapaper looks like a great one of those places to me.