The Rugby World Cup has just started and many people all over the world are glued to their TV sets – especially in my home country New Zealand, where rugby is a national religion. iGoogle has come to the party, by offering a group of Rugby World Cup widgets (Google calls them “gadgets”) to help you follow the action. For tech newbies, iGoogle is a personalized start page where you can install widgets (a.k.a. mini web applications) to access interactive Web content (full review here).

The Official Google Australia Blog has details of the rugby widgets: featuring live scores, team information, rugby news, stadium locations, local information, rugby fan videos, results and rankings. You can access all of that by clicking on the link to add the ÄúRugby 2007Ä? tab to your personalised homepage.
These widgets will come in very handy, as we watch the All Blacks win the World Cup in just over a month’s time! 😉