Home IBM Beefs Up Its Mobile Communications Apps

IBM Beefs Up Its Mobile Communications Apps

Today IBM announced the availability of several new iOS, BlackBerry and Android apps for accessing its enterprise communications software products. The apps cover Connections, LotusLive Meeting, Samtime, and Lotus Notes Traveler, along with other tools. Most of the apps are free, but of course you have to be using the server versions that they correspond with in your company.

The new apps include:

  • Connections is the social networking app that is presently being used by all 400,000 IBMers and
    the iPad version can be downloaded here.
  • LotusLive Meeting, IBM’s hosted web conferencing tool is Available on Android, BlackBerry, iPad, and iPhone devices, you can use this tool to share presentations and chat online.
  • Sametime, IBM’s IM software, is now available for both iPad and Android clients. A separate app called Unified Telephony is available to initiate phone calls from your mobile device. Sametime has gateways into leading public IM networks, such as AIM, GTalk and Yahoo IM.
  • Cognos Mobile, IBM’s business analytics tool, is also now available for iPads.

IBM is introducing its Mobile Technology Preview on its developerWorks website. Available for the Android mobile operating system, the platform is designed to help enterprises get started with mobile application development.

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