Is your IT department stuck in the past? Well, the implication in this new video made by Microsoft is your cloud salesperson looks like Tom Selleck on a bad hair day and drives a custom tricked out van where he has client meetings in your office parking lot. It is almost amusing to see how this video plays out, mentioning the things that HyperV has that VMware doesn’t, according to Microsoft. See if you can spot your favorite 1960’s totems (the Rolodex was one of my favorites, and thankfully a thing of our past), along with the way “Tad” (pictured at left) answers or not answers questions about virtualization and cloud computing, pricing, and other tidbits.

The video isn’t completely accurate (VMware purchased Terremark not too long ago, so they have their own cloud to offer just like Microsoft does) but these are just nits. Tad is hilarious. If only more salespeople could go back to the era when mainframes ruled the earth and golf was the required sport to gain entry into the datacenter.
Here is the video for your viewing pleasure: