In its first significant blog post since last Friday’s IPO, Groupon announced new deal types and places, which aim to further personalize daily deals. Now when you login to your Groupon profile, you can say which types of deals you like, submit addresses for deals near your home, work or other favorite places, and then say if you’re interested in deals for men, women, or both women and men. New personalization features keep up-ing the ante in the daily deals space.
Groupon’s deal types uses phrases like “cultural pursuits” and “white tablecloth,” whereas before favorite deals were divided into bland-sounding categories. The option to add your favorite locations in personalized deals puts further emphasis on location, which Groupon has already started doing with its location-based, on-demand Groupon Now coupons.
Here’s a screengrab of the previous personalization offerings:
Groupon competitor Google Offers updated its personalization aspects just last month.
Will daily deals become more personalized? Tell us what you think in the comments.