You may have heard of Greasemonkey, the Firefox extension that lets you customize the way a web page displays using small bits of Javascript, but are you using it to its fullest potential? There are hundreds of scripts available for installation from, so it can be difficult to know which ones are must-haves.

We’ve rounded up our favorite scripts for fans of social media and have provided them for you below, but we’re curious which ones you can’t live without. Are your favorites included here? Let us know in the comments.
Twitter Scripts

- Delete All Direct Messages In Your Inbox -this script auto-deletes all of your old direct messages when turned on.
- Twitter Blacklist – displays a banner on twitter profiles which are listed at
- TwitterIgnore – temporarily turns off tweets from a heavy poster
- Twitter Auto Update – updates every minute
- Twitter User Classify – displays a colored bar at the top of a Twitter profile classifying the user based on Evan Prodromou’s scale ranging from “twittercaster” to “twitter spammer”
- FriendFeed Twitter Client – turns FriendFeed into the place you follow Twitter
- Quotably Relinker – takes you to instead of when clicking on direct links to tweets to see the entire conversation
- Google Reader + Twitter – adds Google Reader posts to Twitter when clicked
- Twitter Auto Complete – shows your contacts when entering an “@” and autocompletes your contacts when only one option remains
FriendFeed Scripts
- Friend Feed by Service – lets you click to view just one service’s river in your FriendFeed (like, delicious, stumbleupon, digg, etc.)
- FriendFeed Read Later – turns FriendFeed into a news reader you made by letting you mark items for later reading which you access from a custom FriendFeed tab
- Friend Feed Remove Visited Links – completely removes links you’ve already visited
- Friend Feed Pagerization Fixer – automatically loads the next page when scrolling
- Friend Feed Reshare Links – adds links in FriendFeed that lets you reshare links to delicious, digg, reddit, tumblr, etc.
- Friend Feed Easy Unsubscribe – adds an “unsubscribe” link on user pages
- Friend Feed Who Are You? – display more information on user pages
- Friend Feed Show Names – shows the usernames as well as full names on the friend and public timelines
- FriendFeed Filters: Friends & Groups – lets you to filter your FriendFeed by creating groups of friends
- FriendFeed Show Domains – displays the domain name for all shared links
Digg Scripts
- Digg Done That – removes articles you’ve read
- Digg Filter – adds a field to the Digg homepage that lets you filter out stories you don’t want to see using keyword(s) you enter
- Digg User Topics Cloud – draw a topics cloud from a user’s recently dugg stories
- Digg Friends Easier – put a “diggit” next to every post under friends’ submissions and shouts sections
- Always Open New Windows in Digg – does what it says – always open new windows in Digg
- – adds links to save a Digg story to
- Add Reddit Comments To Digg – adds Reddit comments to Digg for the same article & allows you to submit comments to Reddit as well
Mixx Needs More Scripts
- Mixx Forums – adds MixxingBowl Forum and Breaking News links to navigation bar at Scripts
- Google Reader + – adds reader posts to
- Google Reader + ma.gnolia – adds Google Reader’s post to ma.gnolia when clicked.
- Google save to – places a ‘Post to’ link next to each Google search result
- Delicious Stumbles -adds a link to that submits all links on the page to StumbleUpon
- Ma.gnolia Condenser – fits more bookmarks on a screen for users and makes the lock icon for private bookmarks conspicuously red
- Bookmark Every Digg – adds bookmark links next to all digg entries to the most popular bookmarking sites(, furl etc.)
- >> ma.gnolia – adds “Copy this link to Ma.gnolia” in
Flickr Scripts
- Flickr Cut-n-Paste to Blog – cut-and-paste flickr images to blog posts with CSS and credit links
- Flickr AllSizes+ – access all sizes for a Flickr photo, copy the code, download the image, etc.
- Flickr More Home – by default, the Flickr home page shows four images for you, four from your contacts, and four from everyone. This script expands it to 8, 16, and 8, respectively.
- Flickr – Video Hider – hides videos on Flickr photostreams and replaces them with a link to that video should you still wish to view it
- Tflickr – Twitter from Flickr. Tweet your favourites flickr images
- Flickr: Sign In and Return – return to the page you were viewing instead of Flickr home page after signing in
Facebook Scripts
- Facebook Chat Killer – gets rid of the new facebook chat feature
- ScrabuCheck -adds a floating dictionary lookup box for the game of Scrabble or Scrabulous
- Facebook Real News Feed – replace your “news feed” with real news headlines from CNN
- Facebook Large Photos – makes profile pictures large in facebook search results
- Facebook Image Download Helper – allows you to use a download manager such as DownThemAll! on Facebook image gallery pages
- Facebook Fixer – a collection of enhancements for various aspects of Facebook eg. showing bigger profile pictures, making it easier to view albums, showing people’s age and sign, auto-reloading error pages, changing redirecting links to direct links
- Facebook Auto Confirm Friend Requests – accept all friend requests on Facebook
Google Reader Scripts
- Google Reader – “Mark as read” keyboard shortcuts – adds three shortcuts to mark items as read. Pressing comma, “,” marks an item as read in list view and then moves to the next item. Pressing “shift-u” marks all items above the currently selected item as read. “shift-I” marks items after as read
- Google Reader autoscroll – view and mark items as read by means of a mouse wheel (and more!)
- Google Reader Preview Enhanced -adds a “Preview button” to Google Reader that allows you to view actual article in a frame
- Remove Dupes from Google Reader – removes duplicate posts from Google Reader
- Google Reader Unread Count – display actual unread count instead of “1000+” in Google Reader (only for the truly brave!)
- gReader Comments – this brings all Disqus conversations into Google Reader