Home Grand City War : Army Elite – FIND YOUR PLACE HERE!!!!

Grand City War : Army Elite – FIND YOUR PLACE HERE!!!!

Grand City War : Army Elite is a game where you need to… KILL!! (A little over the top.) The game is a basic plot about taking down the bad guys!! The game has really nice graphics, you can tell it is animated but not the cartoon type of animated. There are some strong colours such as a bright red on one of the characters clothing. Grand City War: Army Elite also has nice sounds. There is a background music that should be in every action game. Then there is also sounds of the guns shooting at something or someone. The game has been rated three point nine out of five by one hundred and fifteen people. A large chunk of them rating it a five. Overall, I think I would rate it a four because of one of the controls I will mention below.

The Controls

The controls are pretty simple but there is one part that annoys me, A LOT! With the controls that work like a joystick, if you point up, down, left and right exactly at the point, you move your gun. But the problem is if you are not exactly on the points, your character ends up moving about. I can see what the developer was trying to do but it isn’t my cup of tea. (SLUUURRRP!!) Then you can throw grenades, shoot and jump. The regular controls for a killing game. When you open the game, you press play and then you can select one of two characters. There is one called Jin, who is a guy with white hair and top with a red head band and jacket and there’s Alice who has blue hair, white top and green jacket and pants. Both have black boots.
This game is available in the Tizen Store now for free with a download size of 19.51MB for the Samsung Z1, Z2, Z3 and Z4 Tizen devices. If you are a developer and you want your game or app reviewed by us, then contact us at [email protected].

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