Home Google Maps Now Features More Blue and a Simplified Layout

Google Maps Now Features More Blue and a Simplified Layout

The Google Maps team today rolled out yet another update. This time, they have decided to simplify the layout by putting more focus on the search form and taking away the tabs underneath it. Thanks to this update, the maps on the page get a bit more screen-estate and searching for directions has become a bit easier as well. This update comes just a few weeks after Google Maps added walking directions to its feature set.

Now that the tabs (Search the map, Find businesses, and Get directions) are gone, there is a stronger focus on the search form. Chances are that most users won’t miss the dedicated ‘Find businesses’ function. After all, a general search for something like “pizza 97224” was already bringing up the same results anyway. The more specialized search functions are still available by clicking on “show search options” next to the search form.

To get directions, users can now click on “Get Directions” in the newly added blue bar on top of the maps. This redesigned interface for getting directions is actually a bit easier to use, though finding the ‘walking’ directions is now a tad bit harder as well, as it is hidden in a drop-down menu instead of always being on screen as a link on top of the directions.

Google is obviously putting a lot of resources into its mapping product and given how important location based services are going to become in the future, this seems like a wise long-term investment. Google’s competitors are, of course, not sleeping either. Microsoft also constantly updates Live Maps and it has become a worthy competitor to Google Maps – especially with its high-resolution “bird’s eye” views.

However, Live Maps suffers from the same branding problem as the rest of Microsoft’s Live brand and with Google slowly expanding Street View into more rural areas, the new walking directions, and constantly updated maps, Google might just overtake Mapquest one day as the Internet’s most popular mapping destination.

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