Google Maps for Android just got a nice update for those of us who like to ride our bikes around town. Just in time for National Bike Month, you can now get biking directions on your Android phone. In addition, Google Maps for Android can now highlight dedicated bike-only trails, roads with bike lanes and roads that are good for biking but don’t have bike lanes. Google Maps for Android now also includes a new “share this place” feature that allows users to share information about a place by email and on Buzz, Facebook and Twitter.

The updated application is now available in all the countries and languages where Maps is currently available, though the biking directions will only work in the U.S. for now.
Google first launched biking directions two months ago. Sadly, these biking directions are currently only available on the Google Maps website and Android.

iPhone Users Continue to Wait for Google Maps Update
iPhone users can see the bicycling layer in the mobile web version of Google Maps, though this isn’t exactly the fastest and most convenient way of accessing this information. Google Maps for iPhone continues to lag behind Google’s Android efforts and doesn’t feature support for layers, public transit and biking and walking directions. This will hopefully change with the release of the iPhone 4 OS, however.