Google I/O is a now annual event being held this year on May 27 – 28, 2009 in San Francisco. It’s aimed at web developers, to whom Google will showcase “how to develop web applications with Google and open technologies.” ReadWriteWeb has 10 free tickets to give away to Google I/O; and we thought an interesting way to do that would be to ask for your feature requests on current Google products. Choose any product you like – e.g. Google Reader, Google Health, or the new Google Latitude – and tell us what feature you’d like to see Google add to it. Or if the product has an API, what third party app you would like to see.

The ReadWriteWeb team will select the 10 most interesting responses and offer a free Google I/O ticket to those people. You can enter as many times as you like (1 comment per entry) and if you happen to have more than one winning comment, we’ll give you an extra ticket for each winner.
The I/O stands for “Innovation/Open” (i/o is also a programmer term input/output). Google told us in May 2008 that we’re at an “inflection point for web app development” and that Google is all about “driving usage of the Internet”. The Web is now the defacto platform for application development, according to Google, and so naturally they want to encourage developers to use both Google and Open Web products.
Please leave your feature suggestions in the comments below and be in to win a Google I/O ticket, worth $400 USD each.