Home Google Plus Business Profiles Are Coming Q3, Analytics and All

Google Plus Business Profiles Are Coming Q3, Analytics and All

Companies clamoring to build a presence on Google’s new social network have a few more months to wait. Business profiles are coming to Google Plus around the third quarter of this year, according to a story on VentureBeat.

While Google hasn’t revealed many details about what the brand profiles will include, a Google representative told VentureBeat that users should expect “a level of analytics and measurement that you’d typically find in Google products,” hinting at the inclusion of analytics in business accounts.

Google is urging brands to wait for these official business profiles rather than set up their own, which the company said would not be able to be automatically migrated once the brand profiles launch.

The absence of business profiles on Google Plus has been a point of contention for some brands and media outlets, a handful of which decided to set up their own profiles, despite Google’s wishes. This week, Google began pulling down some of these brand pages and Mashable has decided to remove company branding and instead operate its 100,000 follower strong profile using the name and likeness of its CEO, Pete Cashmore.

“The platform at the moment is not built for the business use case, and we want to help you build long-term relationships with your customers,” Google’s Christian Oestlien said in a post on Google Plus. “Doing it right is worth the wait.”

Google has said that they will continue to disable unauthorized business profiles ahead of their official launch later this year. In the meantime there are a number of ways that businesses can make the most of Google Plus.

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