Home Google teases Pixel 9 Pro and confirms date of Google’s August Pixel event

Google teases Pixel 9 Pro and confirms date of Google’s August Pixel event


  • Google's Pixel launch event is now set for Tuesday, August 13, earlier than the usual October date.
  • The Pixel 9 and 9 Pro will be showcased, with a teaser revealing a triple-lens camera on the Pro model.
  • Rumored reveals include the Pixel Fold 2, Pixel Watch 3, Pixel Tablet 2, and new Google Pixel Buds.

Google has revealed the date of its upcoming Pixel launch event, as well as teasing the smartphone at the event’s center: the Pixel 9 Pro.

In a surprise move, Google is bringing its Pixel launch event forward from October to Tuesday, August 13. In an official teaser, the tech company confirmed the event and dropped some hints about what to expect from the reveal.

As expected, the Pixel 9 and 9 Pro are front and center of the event, with the brief promo clip offering us our first glimpse of the upcoming smartphone.

It appears the Pro model from Series 9, as suggested through the triple-lens camera that you can just about spot on the rear of the handset. The glimpses are admittedly brief but it does confirm that the two upcoming handsets are in the works and should be revealed officially in just a couple of months’ time. This could be an attempt from Google to get ahead of Apple’s reveal of the iPhone 16, scheduled for September.

What to expect from the Pixel 9 Pro

With only the barest glimpse of the handset and no technical details offered, the official Google event page is keeping most information under wraps. However, there are some rumors about the upcoming handsets.

In terms of aesthetics, the color options are thought to be the typical black and white, as well as the more vibrant green and pink. The Pro is thought to have a 6.1-inch screen, potentially increasing to a 6.7-inch panel on the rumoured Pro XL.

In terms of power, the Tensor G4 chip is believed to power Google’s future phones. In keeping with industry trends, the tech giant is also thought to expand the number of on-device AI features.

Other potential handsets set for rumored reveals also include the Pixel Fold 2 (aka the Pixel 9 Pro Fold, the follow-up to the Pixel Fold from May 2023), the Pixel Watch 3, the Pixel Tablet 2, and/or a new pair of Google Pixel Buds.

Featured image: Google

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Rachael Davies
Tech Journalist

Rachael Davies has spent six years reporting on tech and entertainment, writing for publications like the Evening Standard, Huffington Post, Dazed, and more. From niche topics like the latest gaming mods to consumer-faced guides on the latest tech, she puts her MA in Convergent Journalism to work, following avenues guided by a variety of interests. As well as writing, she also has experience in editing as the UK Editor of The Mary Sue , as well as speaking on the important of SEO in journalism at the Student Press Association National Conference. You can find her full portfolio over on…

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