I got quoted in an IDG article, currently on Macworld, about the RSS naming debate. I’m pleased to get my name in mainstream media, however they got the dates out of context. Here’s the extract where I’m mentioned:
“The debate raged on after Torres’ response to Winer. In an Aug. 10 entry on his Web log Read/Write Web, freelance analyst and Web writer Richard McManus wrote that he, too, believed that Microsoft and Google should not mess with the brand because “it’s bigger than both of them.”
However, he admitted that the companies will probably drive the adoption of “feeds” because as the two “biggest Internet companies around,” they are extremely influential. And anything that drives RSS into the mainstream is a good thing, McManus wrote.”
The article referred to these posts by Mike Torres and Dave Winer – dated 9 August.
In fact my post was published before those guys – indeed Mike actually linked to my post. But because I live in New Zealand, which is 1 day ahead of the US, the date on my post is 10 August and not 9 August as it is on Mike and Dave’s posts.
OK it’s a relatively minor quibble, but the whole IDG story was structured around the dates things were published. So I’ve now re-set my Movable Type settings to Pacific Daylight Time. I figure I’m spiritually there anyway, so I may as well blog on Silicon Valley time too 🙂