Lifehacker founder and former lead editor Gina Trapani announced this morning that she’s started a new blog called She says the new site has “no ads, no digg badges, lots of sentences starting with ‘I’.” It won’t have dozens of posts daily under a rigorous publishing schedule – it will be a place for “stuff that fired off a synapse or two in my head,” Trapani says.

After four years leading what’s become the most widely read productivity blog and one of the biggest blogs period on the web, Trapani announced at the start of the year that she was leaving her position as Lifehacker lead editor. She posted a long goodbye and look back at the site’s history two weeks later. Trapani has been one of the most important figures in the rise of the blogging medium. She’s also one hell of a nice person.
The content on her new blog is published under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial, Attribution, Share-alike license – one of the most restrictive CC licenses available. Here at ReadWriteWeb we’re big Gina fans and we look forward to seeing if she can push back the likely mob of opportunists to create a site that offers some of the best types of content we grew to love at Lifehacker.
If you can’t get enough of Gina, you can follow her on Twitter and on FriendFeed. At the very least, we’re sure you’ll want to join us in subscribing to
Photo CC by Will Pate.