Home Get Glue On Your iPhone

Get Glue On Your iPhone

Recently, we told you about Glue, a new browser plugin from AdaptiveBlue that put the social web in context by letting friends share music, movies, books, and other sorts of things. Unlike social networks dedicated to these items, like Goodreads, Flixster, or Last.fm, which keeps the information isolated from the rest of your web activity, Glue pops up in your browser when you’re actively viewing a book, movie, album, etc. Today, you can extend the functionality of Glue by also installing the new iPhone application.

Glue for iPhone is the companion application that brings the Glue network to everyone’s favorite new smartphone. Using the iPhone app, you can access the information stored in the Glue network on the go. The application surfaces your likes, those of your friends, as well as what’s hot across the entire Glue network. This info is accessed via three buttons at the bottom of the app:

1. Me. Access books, music, movies, restaurants, wine etc. that you liked and commented on via the browser. All your favorites are always synched up and right there when you need them.

2. Friends. When you’re looking for social recommendations on the go, you can tap into an intelligent, aggregate list of things your friends liked around the web.

3. Popular. This screen lets you expand your circle and stay connected to what is happening on Glue around the web. You’ll find 100s of books, music, movies, restaurants, wines and more that are popular among the Glue users.

As you browse through the items, you can either display them in the standard view as shown above, or you can switch over to a more fun “cover flow” view that allows you to quickly flip through the different films, books, restaurants, etc. similar to the way you browse through your albums on your iPhone/iPod.

The iPhone app is definitely a must-have for Glue users as they will enjoy having access to their friends’ recommendations even when they’re away from their computers.

Glue for iPhone from AdaptiveBlue on Vimeo. Disclosure: Adaptive Blue, makers of Glue, is a RWW sponsor.

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