Home Gear Fit2 Pro and Gear Fit2 have software update to improve fitness apps

Gear Fit2 Pro and Gear Fit2 have software update to improve fitness apps

The Samsung Gear Fit2 Pro has become quite a popular fitness wearable device in a relatively short time. The whole idea is that you can better track your fitness goals with detailed information at your finger tips or wrist in this case. Recently, the Gear S2 smartwatch received an unexpected software update, bringing with it an enhanced user interface, new Samsung health features, Gear VR remote controller and other changes.
Now, the Geat Fit2 Pro gets its very own update that focuses on improving on the way that data is displayed, as well as improved fitness apps. New Weight Management and Fitness Program functions that connect to the Samsung Health application have been Integrated. Weight Management displays your daily exercise and food consumption, which helps you plan the amount of calories that you are going to consume as well as the number of calories you will expend in exercise. Take things step further by syncing your data with your smartphone and your TV in order to control exercise video content from your device.

Weight Management functions (left) Fitness Program function (right)

Displayed information has been updated as well with easier to read data on the Workout Screen with three pieces of workout data, which can include: distance travelled, calories burned, duration of an exercise, and the user’s heart rate.

Update-Samsung-Gear-Fit2-Pro-Gear-Fit2-improves-information-displayedWorkout screen (left), Multi-workouts widget (center), Health Summary widget (right)

The latest software update for Gear Fit2 Pro and Gear Fit2 is available to download via the Samsung Gear app.

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