It all about the Galaxy Watch Active, the greater of the three fitness wearables launched by Samsung at their Unpacked event. Now, Samsung have released their own Official Introduction video for their latest Galaxy Wearable device. These types of videos do just that, Introduce potential users to their new tech. Something to wet the appetite and give an overview of the wearable in the wild.
To recap, the three fitness wearables recently launched are the Galaxy Watch Active, Galaxy Fit, and Galaxy Fit e. The Galaxy Watch Active is the most prestigious of these- even though they are fitness wearables, they still look lovely.
Galaxy Watch Active Official Introduction Video
According to the video, the Galaxy Watch Active is able to capture data and Interpret it. Motion sensors analyse your movement and advise you on how to improve your training, in order to get to your goals. This device is not meant to function as a standalone device and connects and pairs with Samsung health, the tech giants Fitness app.
Another selling point for the Galaxy Watch Active, like the Galaxy Watch, is that you can measure Stress levels and take appropriate action. I’ve checked mine a few times. Actually, at the times of stress I forget to use it, but then again I will forgive myself as I’m stressed at the time.
What else can you do with this wearable? You can monitor the REM quality of your sleep. If that is something that you’re into. To be honest, I need to investigate mine and see what the app suggests. This is the first device to support wireless charging
Customise with a watchface, watch strap, and your away.