Home Fortnite Battle Pass items to come back for sale through Fortnite Shop — after a wait

Fortnite Battle Pass items to come back for sale through Fortnite Shop — after a wait


  • Future Fortnite Battle Pass items may return to the Fortnite Shop after 18 months to maintain their exclusivity, Epic Games announced.
  • This change aims to offer new Battle Pass rewards and allow players to enjoy past content, excluding items from expired licensed collaborations.
  • Epic Games clarified that not all past Battle Pass items will return and committed to informing players if certain items will not be available again.

Future Fortnite Battle Pass items could find their way back to the game through the Fortnite Shop, Epic Games says, but they would only go on sale if they were part of a Pass that had expired 18 or more months before, to preserve at least some of the cachet of unlocking them.

“This change lets us continue investing in new and exciting Battle Pass rewards while enabling players down the road to also enjoy the content, including Outfits based on popular licensed characters,” the game’s developer and publisher said in a blog post on Wednesday.

Another important qualifier: this is for “Items in future Fortnite Battle Passes.” That means all the stuff that has come before, from Dune, to Star Wars, Spider-Man, John Wick, even Naomi Osaka, that’s not coming back, likely because their licensing agreements were likely for a limited time and have expired. Epic will probably have to cut longer-term deals with those doing a Metaverse collab from now on.

Will all Fortnite Battle Pass Content make a return?

However, nothing precludes Epic from bringing back its own originally created content from past battle passes — such as The Paradigm. Somewhat ironically, this message/decision comes a day after a screwup which returned The Paradigm – an Epic-owned creation – to the Fortnite Store five years after she appeared in a Battle Pass.

Epic apologized for the slip-up, let those who bought the skin keep it, and will even refund their V-bucks. But it sounds like they’re holding firm to the no-past-content rule, if only to avoid answering 900 whatabout questions from the community.

A FAQ should take care of those. One, for example, says that not all Battle Pass items are guaranteed to return to the Fortnite Shop. However if something is definitely not returning to the store later, they’ll let players know.

Obviously, all of this is a way for Epic to squeeze more out of the skins, weapons, back blings and whatnot showing up in future Battle Passes. Their price will remain 950 V-Bucks, or $8.49.

Image via Epic Games

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Owen Good
Gaming Editor (US)

Owen Good is a 15-year veteran of video games writing, also covering pop culture and entertainment subjects for the likes of Kotaku and Polygon. He is a Gaming Editor for ReadWrite working from his home in North Carolina, the United States, joining this publication in April, 2024. Good is a 1995 graduate of North Carolina State University and a 2000 graduate of The Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University, in New York. A second-generation newspaperman, Good's career before covering video games included daily newspaper stints in North Carolina; in upstate New York; in Washington, D.C., with the Associated Press; and…

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