Popular social bookmarking service Delicious says today is its 5th birthday. While this author was disappointing several years ago that it was Yahoo and not the Library of Congress that acquired the company, Delicious remains one of the most powerful and useful services on the web.

To mark its big day, we offer below two videos. The first an introduction to the tool for readers still unfamiliar and the second a screencast demonstrating just how easy and useful it is to make 5 changes to your Delicious experience. Those changes took us under 5 minutes.
From collaboration to personal learning to expert source discovery – there are many, many things you can do with a good social bookmarking service. Delicious is the only such service with millions of users (the company said today that 5.3 million users have saved 180 million URLs to date) and that scale makes it what it is.
We also want to take this opportunity to thank the Delicious team and especially now post-Yahoo founder Joshua Schachter, for making this awesome service what it is. We really appreciate it.
First, an Introduction
Thanks to CommonCraft for another great video.
And Now for Something New
The following video demonstrated five of our favorite ways to use Firefox plug-in Greasemonkey to radically change the Delicious experience. This is really easy to do, as you’ll see, and we’ve included all the links below the video. With just a handful of clicks you can integrate Delicious into sites like Google Reader and Digg, you can sort and view Delicious in brand new ways, and make a number of other changes.
Note that there’s no audio in this video, we just went through the steps. We hope that’s ok for readers but if you’d prefer it be narrated, let us know.