Home First Tizen-based smartphones coming this March, says Japan’s NTT Docomo

First Tizen-based smartphones coming this March, says Japan’s NTT Docomo

As most of you “Tizen experts” are aware of, NTT DoCoMo has aired its plans to deliver their first Tizen smartphone around the end of March. It took a long time getting out there but when one looks at the complexity, or rather the connectivity of Tizen, it’s understandable. You only get one first impression!
Let’s face it, competition is so massive: Two players, Apple and Google own about 80% of the markets, leaving little room for Windows and Blackberry as established players and new comers as Ubuntu, Firefox, Sailfish and Tizen.
With all due respect to Ubuntu, Sailfish and Firefox, their chances are rather small when compared to Samsung and Intel backed Tizen. Still, it’s going to be a tremendous effort for all parties to make a dent in iOS and Android.
And there is yet another serious effort! Remember the early days of mobile phones that grew smarter? Japan was a major player and a major developer, with brands like Sony to be in the forefront. NTT DoCoMo was a name to be aware of but the rise of iOS and Android reduced the japanese force. By moving over to Tizen NTT DoCoMo proves that it’s willing take a lead and ride the next wave in mobile technology.
It’s not just the Japanese carriers that will move on. The Mainichi newspaper informed us that China Mobile, the world’s largest operator, and South Korean carrier KT (The second largest telco!) are planning to cooperate with NTT DoCoMo and share their mobile network. This would mean a much faster availability of high-speed LTE technology this year in their combined markets. According to sources it’s the growing cross border tourism and business that made these corporations to work together in becoming a massive number one player in Asia.

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