For users of the Windows Mobile platform, visiting Facebook while on the go meant loading up the mobile web page in their device’s browser. Meanwhile, Blackberry users have had their own downloadable app since late 2007. But now, as of today, there is at long last a downloadable application just for Windows Mobile users, FriendMobilizer.
Today Macrospecs, Inc. has launched FriendMobilizer, a new software application for Windows Mobile phones that gives you full access to your Facebook account. Unlike other Windows Mobile Facebook apps like Snap2Face, which only provides for photo uploads, FriendMobilizer gives Windows Mobile users an app that’s comparable in feature set to the Blackberry version.
With FriendMobilizer, you can view your friend’s information and profiles, write on their walls, browse photo albums, approve friend requests, view group and event invites, read your new wall posts, read the messages in your inbox, update your status, and more.
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The application is currently available for both Windows Mobile devices and Pocket PCs and can be downloaded from the web site at However, according to the company, the generic software platform developed for FriendMobilizer will soon be ported to other mobile OS’s as well. In addition, the company plans to build mobile apps for other social networks in the future.