Feedly, one of our favorite magazine-style feed readers, is opening the doors today on its “Feedly iPhone protoype 7”. With a name like that, we feel like we’ve just gotten access to the secret microfilm hidden in the false bottom of someone’s penny loafers.
In a blog post today, the company showed off what it’s been working on for the last few months. And from what they’re saying, a live beta version is just around the corner.
The minute-long tour of the still-in-development iPhone app shows off how a user will be able to browse through their Feedly digest of articles, share, recommend and tweet about content, mark articles as read, and navigate between feeds.
According to the blog post, Feedly is going for simplicity in use and design, as well as a multi-platform compatibility. It is soliciting user feedback before releasing a “prototype 8” and potentially a live beta version on March 15, which would, of course, coincide with SXSW Interactive in Austin, Texas.
Already, suggestions are coming in on the blog post’s comments, and Feedly CEO Edwin Khodabakchian’s responses are letting us in on a few more details of what to expect, such as a “Save for Later” function, releases for both Android and Palm Pre, and transparent syncing with Feedly Desktop.
Khodabakchian also hints at possibilities for sharing on a number of social networks, including Twitter and Buzz, and possibly more. He says that “our goal is to release the iPhone, Nexus One and Palm Pre at the same time,” and that they “will be offering feedly on iPad as soon as it is available.”