Bud Gibson has a nice profile of
FeedDigest, an RSS remix service created by Peter Cooper that I’ve had my
eye on for a while. FeedDigest lets
users “mix, filter and republish or syndicate feeds to HTML, JavaScript, WAP or PHP, or to a new feed.”
Personally all I’ve used it for so far is to publish
my linkblog feed to Read/WriteWeb. I think there’s a lot of unrealised
potential in the RSS remixing/mash-up area – and maybe FeedDigest will be
the one to lead that market. Time will tell. In the meantime, Bud wrote about
“Though nothing has been announced publicly, certain of the blog posts suggest that outside investment was secured in the second-half of August. Ten thousand users is a benchmark that Silicon Valley VCs often cite for seed investment.”
The first post that Bud linked to was on the FeedDigest blog and says “a major announcement”
is imminent. In a follow-up post, Peter
says there will be “a new architecture in the next week or two.”
On the FeedDigest homepage it says new stats features are on the way, plus
podcasting and email services.
Sounds great, can’t wait to see the new version.