An elephant never forgets. And as Evernote‘s elephant logo suggests, the note-taking platform already sees itself as a tool for storage, yes, but also for enhancing memory.
That couldn’t be clearer with a newly release app today: Evernote Peek (iTunes link). The app makes rather ingenious use of the new iPad Smart Cover, creating a new way to make and study flash cards.
Evernote Peek lets you make flashcards, of sorts, using your Evernote materials. Once you select what you want to study, you close the Smart Cover and peek under it to see a clue. Open the cover all the way to see the answer.
Evernote Peek connects to your Evernote account, and you can select which notebooks you want to utilize (or create specific ones for this purpose.) The title of the note becomes the clue, and the body of the note itself, the answer.
The app was designed by Evernote CEO Phil Libin and VP of Marketing as they were Andrew Sinkov playing around with the newly released Smart Cover. “It didn’t seem like an accessory so much as an extension of the device. As we sat there opening and closing the cover, a question struck us: could we use the cover to control an app that would make Evernote even more useful?”
The answer is obviously yes.
There are other services that integrate with Evernote to create these sorts of study materials, including StudyBlue, which we recently covered. But the new Evernote Peek app has done something pretty unique here, and we’ll see if others can follow with similarly smart uses of the new Smart Cover.