Home Eclipse Zombie – Assault – KILL! KILL! KILL!

Eclipse Zombie – Assault – KILL! KILL! KILL!

Eclipse Zombie Assault is a game where you need to kill zombies and survive. That’s the key. This game has really nice graphics which are quite detailed and in places such as brick walls, the bricks seem smudged with the others slightly. There are not that many sounds. Some of the sounds include a whooshing sound when you make your character kick and a quiet sound of your character walking. Each and every step, I think this adds to the creepiness of the zombies and the fact that you may bee killed at any moment (try to have no nightmares.) Eclipse Zombie Assault has been rated three points seven out of five by two hundred and sixty-six people. The developer, Richard Aguiar, has currently made one other game that’s called Pet’s Racing.

The Story line

The General, Nascimento, has sent you on a mission. He explains that all the soldiers had turned into zombies after dying during a solar eclipse. (Hence the word eclipse in the game title.) SO WHAT’S THE MISSION??? Well, for General Nascimento, you need to kill ten zombies on your first mission. Then after that, you need to go to find a red symbol, but if it is green you’ve completed your task. If it’s still red, find a zombie(s) and kill it!!!!!!

The Controls

The controls are not that simple. On the left-hand side of your screen, you will have the joystick that makes you walk. On the right, you have the joystick that makes you turn. Unfortunately, you can’t use both joysticks at the same time. So when you’re running away from zombies that are eating your flesh, you can’t run away easily if you have to turn whilst running. Apart from that, also on the left-bottom side, you have the roll button (shown as a down facing arrow) and the run button (shown as a running man.) When you select the running button, you run in a straight line. As soon as you attempt to change the direction, your character stops running. In the middle-bottom of the page, is your health. It goes down by ten health each time a zombie successfully attacks you. on the right-bottom side, is the shoot button for your guns and the jump button. Then at the top of the left side, we have the menu button, a number of coins you’ve collected, a number of zombies you’ve killed and in the top-right corner, is the way you can switch between guns and using your fists. You can punch, use a rifle or a handgun.
This game is available in the Tizen Store now for free with a download size of 44.63MB for the Samsung Z1, Z2 and Z3 Tizen smartphones. If you are a developer and you want your app or game to be reviewed and put on our website here on Tizen Experts, then contact us at [email protected]. Tell us about your game/app.

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