Home Euro 2024 and Copa América kick off EA FC 24’s ‘Greats of the Game’ celebration

Euro 2024 and Copa América kick off EA FC 24’s ‘Greats of the Game’ celebration


  • UEFA’s Euro 2024 starts this weekend, and EA Sports FC 24 will launch a “Greats of the Game” Ultimate Team promotion.
  • Though not officially confirmed, leaked details reveal upgraded player cards based on team performance in Euro 2024 and Copa América.
  • Euro 2024 kicks off June 14 in Germany, while Copa América starts June 20 in the U.S., with the promotion expected to begin by June 7.

UEFA’s Euro 2024 tournament — the confederation championship of European national football teams — gets underway this coming weekend and with it, EA Sports FC 24 will see an Ultimate Team promotion, “Greats of the Game” that celebrates some of the top performers on one of football’s biggest stages.

Though Electronic Arts has not officially confirmed the new card series, much less its start date, details have already leaked out to whet soccer fans’ appetites. Greats of the Game will offer several players from both Europe and the Americas, whose Copa América tournament begins later this month in the United States.

EA Sports FC 24 already pushed through a title update on June 5 that delivered the Euro 2024 tournament, with full presentation and commentary, to the global best-selling sports video game.

For Greats of the Game, player cards will upgrade based on how their team performs in either torunament, according to EA FC insider Fut Scoreboard. For example, should a player’s national team score two goals in either tournament, they will be granted a +1 In Form upgrade. If their side scores four goals, the card is given a +1 PlayStyle+ or an additional 99 rating in a core attribute (such as shot, defense, pace, or passing).

The full slate of Greats of the Game players has not yet been announced but dataminers and leakers have already discovered several big names who are due to appear. Among them are France’s Emmanuel Petit, Romania’s Gheorghe Hagi, Italy’s Antonio di Natalie, and Brazil’s Rivaldo.

As you can see, these players are all very highly rated to begin with and can only get better the further their teams go in their respective tournaments. Copa America, involving the national teams of CONCACAF (North America, Central America, and the Caribbean) and CONMEBOL (South America) begins with group play in 14 U.S. cities on June 20. The tournament is a prelude to the 2026 World Cup, which will be jointly held among Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

When does EA Sports FC 24 Greats of the Game kick off?

Euro 2024 starts June 14 and will be held in 10 locations in Germany over the next month. Italy is that tournament’s defending champion (winning in 2020), and will be joined in a field of 24 by powerhouses Spain and Portugal, along with first-time participant Georgia; Serbia and Slovenia (both making their first appearances since 2000), and sentimental favorite Scotland (who made Euro 2020 after a 24-year absence).

The start date for EA FC 24’s Greats of the Game series has not been announced but given the timing of the two tournaments it should be underway by the coming weekend (June 7), to give players a chance to pick up these cards, slot them into their Ultimate Team lineups, and await the upgrades as the action unfolds in both hemispheres.

EA Sports FC 24, which is the new name for what used to be called FIFA, launched in September 2023. It has been added to the Xbox Game Pass library and was a free title granted to PlayStation Plus Essential subscribers in May.

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Owen Good
Gaming Editor (US)

Owen Good is a 15-year veteran of video games writing, also covering pop culture and entertainment subjects for the likes of Kotaku and Polygon. He is a Gaming Editor for ReadWrite working from his home in North Carolina, the United States, joining this publication in April, 2024. Good is a 1995 graduate of North Carolina State University and a 2000 graduate of The Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University, in New York. A second-generation newspaperman, Good's career before covering video games included daily newspaper stints in North Carolina; in upstate New York; in Washington, D.C., with the Associated Press; and…

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