Home Ducky partners with Bethesda for ltd edition Ducky x Doom One 3 SF keyboard

Ducky partners with Bethesda for ltd edition Ducky x Doom One 3 SF keyboard

Ducky released the next limited edition partnership keyboard, the Ducky x Doom One 3 SF. Those who have used the fiery orange and red keyboard know about the fantastic quality and cool naming schemes. One of the best things is how the company always nails the visuals; they’re never stereotypical gamer aesthetics. Some have described the new design as oddly tie dye looking — but it’s more the Doom marine, mid rip, and tear, in an iconic image all gamers have become familiar with. You’llbe able to spot an Arachnotron crouched over the arrow and navigation keys, a Lost Soul is racing towards our hero in the top right, and a Dread Knight ready to pounce on the left.

The Ducky One 3SF has a fully hot-swappable keyboard

This is a beautiful setup — but you’ll want to hurry and get your order in because there is a limited supply drop — with only 666 of these Doom keyboards to go around. US players and slayers can head to Mechanical Keyboards, and UK fans should blast over to Overclockers.

The side-printed legends leave the tops of the PBT keys free for art, but you’ll want to use the RGB LEDs under each cap carefully. The sides of the deck are plastered in red with kickstands on each side — and you don’t want the color wave to drown the key art out completely. If you have used the Doom keyboard before, you’ll recognize the expert craftsmanship and attention to detail — but the sound and feel are so incredible and familiar. This has been a particularly long-awaited and hoped-for addition to be featured in the limited edition drops.

Here are the Details and the Specs.

Details and Specification for the Ducky Doom Keyboard
Details and Specification for the Ducky Doom Keyboard

Sufice-it-to-say — The Slayer has entered the building — and Ducky x Doom One 3 SF Gaming Keyboard is just what you need to fight the hordes of hell. Bethesda officially licenses the 65% gaming keyboard and features the DOOM artwork to center on your desk.

Featured Image Credit: Overclockers

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Deanna was an editor at ReadWrite until early 2024. Previously she worked as the Editor in Chief for Startup Grind, Editor in Chief for Calendar, editor at Entrepreneur media, and has over 20+ years of experience in content management and content development.

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