Dropbox Automator has gotten a major update this week, adding a Google+/Picasa uploader, support for sending files to Box.net and to Amazon’s Kindle. Better yet, the service now lets users restrict access to just one folder in Dropbox.

We covered Dropbox Automator when it launched at the end of December, but the service had a few rough edges. Specifically, some of the conversions weren’t working or worked sporadically, and you had to give Wappwolf (the company behind Dropbox Automator) full access to all of your Dropbox folders.
With the update, Roland Trimmel of Wappwolf says that they’ve been working on the glitches the past few weeks, and they’re “all fixed” now. Wappwolf says that they’ve increased Dropbox Automator’s processing capability “more than fivefold” to cope with the demand that the service is seeing. Processing should be less than one minute “depending on file size and speed of a user’s Internet connection.” (Fair enough, Wappwolf can only work on the file once it has access.)
First and foremost, you’re now able to restrict Dropbox Automator to a single folder. I re-enabled the service and walked through the setup. You’re promoted to “Log in with Dropbox” or “Login with Dropbox ‘one folder’ access.” If you choose the one folder access, you then create a folder under Dropbox/Apps and go to town.

New in this release? You can upload pictures to either your Google+ profile or Picasa. Dropbox Automator also allows storing files in Google Docs. If you’re using Dropbox and Box.net, you can store files in that service from Dropbox Automator.
The other biggie is Kindle support. Drop one of the supported formats into your folder and Dropbox Automator will shoot you file to your Kindle via Wi-Fi or Whispernet. (Amazon charges for files sent over Whispernet, though.) You can also opt to convert to Kindle format or not.
If you haven’t yet given Dropbox Automator a whirl, I’d recommend taking a look at it.