I did a podcast with Roland Tanglao early this morning my time. My first real ‘chatty’ podcast, so it was enjoyable.
Roland is more of a natural podcaster than me. I was all “um”s and “yep”s and coughs and halt–ing speech. But that’s what podcasting’s about – it brings the real live person behind the blog out into the open. Writing is always going to be my natural medium (I’m no Adam Curry), but podcasting may serve a purpose for me too…
Indeed near the end of the show, Roland encouraged me to do a weekly ‘Web 2.0 Wrap-Up podcast’ – discussing the Web 2.0 issues of the week. I can see that being a nice complement to my written Web 2.0 Weekly Wrap-Up, in that I can expand on certain themes and find out if thinking out loud brings new insights. Hmmmm – anyone have any feedback or advice on that? e.g. I don’t even know the best way to record a podcast or store it.