Yahoo’s popular social bookmarking tool Delicious announced tonight that there is a new mobile version of the site. We were excited to see what that included, but ultimately disappointing that the company had failed to solve the fundamental problem of mobile social bookmarking: that you can’t bookmark anything with it.

The new delicious mobile site has a simple interface for seeing your bookmarks and the most popular bookmarks system wide for the day, but it’s otherwise extremely limited in functionality.
We know that there’s not a simple solution for mobile social bookmark submission (other, perhaps, than a particular shiny phone available only from ATT) but we’re still disappointed.
Browsing with no way to bookmark is like nearly wasted time online, and nowhere is that as true as in a mobile browser. Perhaps Yahoo! should team up with Opera Mini to offer bookmark submission in the browser.
With the new mobile delicious you can see recent bookmarks with a certain tag, but not popular ones. You cannot see who bookmarked a URL, their history, etc. You can put together multiple tags, which is nice, so you can find cooking blogs at
For now we’ll stick with our existing solution, pulling the RSS feed of our items marked “to read” into Mobile Netvibes.