Home Deal Alert: Samsung Gear Sport for $249

Deal Alert: Samsung Gear Sport for $249

Are you Interested in purchasing the Samsung Gear Sport, but wouldn’t mind it falling in price a bit? Well, this fitness device is currently on sale at B&H Photo for a low price of $249. Normally this piece of wearable tech retails for $299, so that’s a clear $50 that you save. So if you’re in the market for a great fitness tracker/smartwatch, then this might be the one for you.
What’s so good about it? Good question, I’ll continue. This is a smartwatch and therefore will give you all your notifications delivered directly to your wrist – convenient when you don’t want to keep pulling out you super-sized smartphone out of your pocket.
Does a fitness tracker fall into your lifestyle? The Tizen App ecosystem isn’t as robust as Android wear or Apple watch, but what you get is rock solid performance, in my experience, and functional apps that are good at achieving what they were created for. If you want the novelty of using Skype off your wrist, something not to be repeated, then you might as well look somewhere else (Apple watch).
For fitness activities, I really like Samsung S-Health and one feature in particular – Together. Now, you can challenge fellow S-Health users to a steps-challenge. You choose your desired challenger and then pick how many steps you want the challenge to last for, 10K, 30K, 50K, 70K, and 100K steps. Whoever reaches that figure first within 7 days wins. Simple. As well as your steps, you can track your workouts and well as calories burnt. Battery life is rated at 2-3 days depending on your specific usage.
Interested? Head on over to B&H Photo via the link below:

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